Meet Lindsey Harriman

Lindsey Harriman
Community Engagement Coordinator
Williams County

Lindsey Harriman began her communications career in a non-conventional way - as a scientist. After graduating with her degree in Geographic Sciences from James Madison University in Virginia, she worked as a defense contractor for Boeing making maps for the military. While working full-time, she also attended graduate school at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland/DC, earning her Masters in Environmental Sciences and Policy. Upon graduating, she decided to get the heck out of dodge and moved to Yellowstone National Park for a research position with the Park Geologists. Yellowstone was beautiful, but not quite exotic enough, so she headed to Andros Island in the Bahamas to dive deep into the ocean, but also environmental education and science communications.

Returning stateside a year later, Lindsey continued working in the science research and communications fields with a commercial satellite imagery company and as a contractor on projects for the United Nations Environment Programme, the USGS, and NASA. 

Lindsey joined Williams County in October 2018 as the Communications and Research Analyst after her husband convinced her that North Dakota wasn't that bad. In August 2022, she was named the Community Engagement Coordinator where now in addition to some communications responsibilities, she administers grants, facilitates community development, and will be managing the implementation of the Williams County Parks Master Plan. Lindsey is married with a 6-month-old and a 2-year-old and is tired all the time; she stress eats M&Ms to cope.
2024 North Dakota Public Information Officer Association