Meet Gwen Crawford

Gwen Crawford
City Administrator
Valley City, ND

Gwen Crawford has served as the City Administrator for Valley City, ND since 2020 continuing to add to her experience in municipal management and public communication. Previously, she served as the City Auditor/Economic Development Director for Lisbon, ND.

Gwen is committed to public service and community development and the growth, sustainability and vitality of Valley City and the surrounding communities.

In 2019, Crawford received the Leadership Excellence Award for an Appointed Official from the ND League of Cities. She has been active with the Municipal Finance Officers Association ND as a director and currently is serving as President. She is also a member of NDPIO and GOSCMA. Another highlight for her was being a part of the Rural Leadership of ND Class VIII where she continued on to Rural Leadership of ND Alumni Association where she served as the past president. Gwen was appointed by Governor Burgum to the Rural Development Council and Devils Lake Outlet Management Advisory Committee and serves with her Mayor on the Red RIver Basin Commission Board on behalf of ND Cities and Counties.
2025 North Dakota Public Information Officer Association